Friday, March 23, 2012

Chai Tea

my best friend asked me out to coffee

and I decided to try the Chai tea

it was supposed to taste like pumpkin spice

and make me warm and happy inside

as much as I like to try something different

this didn’t settle well with me

to take this vulnerable moment to tell me something

so horrible instead

oh yes, tea to soften me up

to make me comfortable and secure as the

truth comes out like black, burnt poison

into my cup. I have to sit politely and hold it

because we’re in public and its not proper to

lunge across the table and strangle or stab

your lunch partner to death on a Saturday afternoon

so I swallow the news, and set down my drink

vowing never again to enjoy Chai tea

vowing never again to enjoy best friends that

construct a trap with coffee houses

my husband asked me out to coffee

and I decided to take it black

it was supposed to taste like bitter grounds

and it was at least as gritty as advertised

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